Recipe: "Jammy" Instagram-worthy eggs
Just say NO to overcooked boiled eggs.
Look, people either love eggs or love to hate them; there’s really no middle ground. And while I’m in the “love” camp, I will say this: I get totally skeeved out by a boiled egg that has a chalky, pale yellow yolk that literally gets stuck in your throat. F that.
Allow me to introduce the cure: my ‘jammy’ egg. “Lindsay, what the hell is a ‘jammy’ egg?” Watch the above video, fool!
Supplies/utensils needed for this recipe:
Large spoon
Mixing bowl filled with ice water
Makes 1 egg (double, triple, quadruple, etc. the recipe to make more)
1 fresh egg, left out at room temperature for 15 minutes (this will help prevent the shell from cracking when you lower it in to the water)
Fill enough water in a saucepan to fully submerge an egg(s).
Bring to a rolling boil.
Using a large spoon, gently lower the egg in to the boiling water and set your timer for 7-minutes.
While the egg boils, fill a bowl with ice water and set near your stove.
When the timer rings, use the large spoon to remove the egg from the hot water and immediately immerse it in to the ice water.
Allow the egg to rest in the ice water for about 5-minutes.
Enjoy now or refrigerate for a later time.
How f’ing sexy is that yolk?? Time to post on Instagram!
Until we eat again,
The Lunch Belle