Questioning the longevity of a one-concept shop: La Maison du Croque Monsieur
While the croque monsieurdoes happen to be one of my favorite sandwiches, can brand-new concept-restaurant, La Maison du Croque Monsieur, really exist long-term? Like, stand the test of time? I hate to be 'Negative Nelly,' but methinks not. I mean, how many variations of a fancy ham-and-cheese sandwich can you spin, after all?
What I think went down: The dudes behind La Maison du Croque Monsieur a) obviously love the croque,' and b) watched as other sandwich concepts, i.e. Melt Shop, became wildly successful. Obviously, they wanted a piece of the proverbial pie!
You ask, "So, then what makes Melt Shop - dedicated to the almighty grilled cheese - so popular?" Here's the short answer: Because the grilled cheese is so versatile! At its most basic, the sandwich is vegetarian-friendly. Too boring? Fine. Because any array of meats can be added to the grilled cheese to satisfy even the pickiest of carnivore. Melt Shop's menu consists of 10 breakfast sandwiches and 13 lunch/dinner sandwiches (plus soup, desserts, side orders). Like I said above, I have to wonder how many variations of the croque' that La Maison can possibly come up with. Certainly not upwards of 23! No way. No how.
Hey, don't get me wrong, folks. My gamble on La Maison's longevity on the NYC restaurant landscape *certainly* will not stop me from getting my croque' on; I'm just curious as to how long I will be able to rock-the-croque. You feel me?
I want to know: What's your take on this - and other - gimmicky, one-concept restaurants?
Until we eat again,
Lindsay, The Lunch Belle